These people are very bold. Their mentality is "It is easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission." Until they're caught, they will continue to bend and break the rules.

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Mortensen and Weber are leaving their commissioner positions this year. They should absolutely recuse themselves from selecting and appointing replacements. I have no confidence in these commissioners ability to select qualified candidates for any board.

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Does anyone know who is running for the two open commissioner seats? Is there any plan to bring them together for some sort of public discussion/meet and greet type of thing? Or is that not something that happens with commissioner vacancies?

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From the Cowlitz County Elections sample ballot for the Aug 6 primary:

District 1

Keenan Harvey - R

STEVE Rader - R

Mike Reuter - R

District 2

Justin Brown - I

Jo Zichterman - I

Steve Ferrell - R

Amy Norquist - D

Rayleen Aquirre - R

Hal Palmer - R

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thank you Linda...for each election I usually read the candidate's statements, but often there is no statement (!) or it is pretty simplistic. This looks like a fairly large field and I am familiar with only three or four of the names at this time, so I will be looking for more info on these candidates. I do wish there were some kind of open forum/discussion where they could discuss their qualifications and make their pitch to the public.

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The fascists that run these vile miscreants have always played a long game, and they started way back when with Ronnie's fellow travelers in the early eighties. They reasoned that you take over the system from the ground up. Start with local school boards, boards of health, zoning boards, etc. That way, by the time we've reached, well, now, the rot is completely pervasive and almost impossible to root out. It's become "normal". That's how the likes of a stain like Trump, who shouldn't have ever been legally allowed to even run for president even the first time, was installed into the Oval Office and is on the verge of skulking around in that space again.

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