Aug 27, 2023Liked by Andre Stepankowsky

Bravo, Andre. That needed to be said loudly!

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Arne Mortensen is an anachronism. Rich Dahl is his sycophant. Both deserve a wax statue in the local museum. We will not solve current problems by searching the past for solutions. If the past had an actual solution, we would not have the current drug problem(s). The data indicate the drug courts work. They are a step forward, but I guess too much for those who view some imagined past as an ideal.

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In my opinion what should be tossed is Mortensen. There is no such thing as "throw away humans" but that is what his ilk are saying when they are eager to end a program that cost very little and does so much. They feel emboldened by a political party that is literally falling apart because of their callous inhumanity and inability to govern. The drug issue in this country is a systemic problem brought on by a whole raft of issues that begin long before anyone makes the decision to take a substance to try to mask those problems and creates other problems. It's everyone's responsibility to try to find a solution.

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In my opinion, it is irresponsible to throw "grenades" without having other solutions to offer. Irresponsible. Throwing one's hands up is not a solution. Yes, addiction is a problem not just for the addicted but their families and those impacted by their impulsive action. In short, leadership is not about throwing grenades. Leadership needs to be informed and lead, meaning offer solutions other than shipping people to another county or throwing one's hands up in the air. Leadership requires education and the response to the interview reflects a lack of forethought and depth. He should retire since he cannot lead.

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Thanks, Andre, for your article on Cowlitz County Drug Court. Our grandson is in drug court & doing amazing! He’s doing amazing & I couldn’t be prouder! I hired a gal who was in drug court after a recommendation of our grandson’s drug court counselor.I took a chance hiring her, but she has now graduated & I really love her. If you ever write about drug court again, I would recommend you get more personal (not using names of those in drug court), but also write about the dedication of the drug court counselors too. Their jobs are frustrating, very difficult because of under funding & seeing their clients not always make it. On the other hand, they take each client seriously & are elated when the clients are doing well & eventually graduate.

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You should encourage your son to make his experience known to the commissioners and bring his fellow DC participants with him. Thanks for sharing and good luck to him.

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Apathy and low voter turnout, coupled with the promises of leaders that fell flat ... “trust us, we’ll bring it all back”... have landed us with Mortenson and Dahl. We deserve better and it will only happen when we all pay attention and demand better of our commissioners. . These two are molding a new crop of sycophants who are running for city council and school board across the county. Is this what we’re going to settle for? We pay these guys over $100,000 a year to destroy our county. They are fat and happy, rolling in the dough while most residents are struggling with housing, jobs, daycare, education in an economy that changed 30 years ago, while Cowlitz County double-downed on a past that wasn’t so great. The only way to break this cycle is to vote for candidates who understand the local issues, have the good sense to collaborate, have faith in us and our future, share resources and who truly love this special place. We have everything we need to succeed. We now need to invest our time and energy to get leaders, the one thing we’re so sorely lacking, starting with the Cowlitz County Commissioner races in 2024. Get involved. Give a damn. Vote them out! You have the power. Use it.

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Amen, Sister!

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Hi Marilyn,

May I have your contact info?

Email rbsiipola@gmail.com

Really appreciate your support.



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cell: 360-430-6901 (day time)

home: 360-425-7618 (evenings) Cell phone doesn't get good reception at home.

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