Sep 19Liked by Andre Stepankowsky

I just can't understand why we continue to do elections this way. The majority of other democracies in the world give candidates a short time limit to campaign and a fixed, equal budget.

Ok - I understand perfectly well WHY things continue to go this way, money and power being what they are. But I do not understand why we citizens put up with it.

Ask anyone, left, right, or whatever flavor of wingnut you like and they will all agree on wanting to keep money out of politics. They will all have different ideas about who is using money to corrupt the system but the basic issue will be the same.

Hell, it's probably the only thing everyone can agree on these days. So why do we put up with it?

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It’s hard to get the message out. Canvassing, digital ads, letters to the editors, radio ads, etc are being employed. I have no reason to give up or give in. We deserve better. I may be biased, but it’s a good year to be a Democrat.

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Thanks for bringing attention to these worthy candidates and the issues they support.

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Thanks for the excellent article, Andre.

As for the "Quest for Recognition", I don't understand why the Cowlitz Civil Dialogue project isn't hosting debates for the 4 house candidates. Perhaps your involvement with the CCD gives you some insight on why the largest city in the 19th isn't getting the opportunity to meet Coverdale and Carlson in the forum series?

Plus, Jim Walsh in particular has ~a lot~ to answer for. He's a seditious demagogue and carnival barker for the Trumpism cult, not a representative for the 19th District. It's outrageous he is running again in the first place considering his obvious focus and fidelity is to his role as the WAGOP Grand Dragon.

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I have reached out to several candidates offering to mail postcards for them. The postcards are still sitting on my desk.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

I don't see the last question asked of Norquist and Ferrell. It was a simple question. Will you support the State and Federal Constitution of the United States of America if elected? Ms Norquist answered absolutely, Yes. Mr. Ferrell had to be asked several times and his use of words left me questioning his answer. That's troublesome to me. I may have this comment attached to the wrong article. I'm new to sub-stack.

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Thanks for your reporting! The importance of traditional print journalism cannot be emphasized enough. Minor correction: “X” was formerly Twitter, not Facebook.

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Thanks for pointing out the "x" thing. Fixed that online.

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