Interesting. When Halvorson posted pictures of the flag event at the Civic Center, I posted this comment on his FB page. “Your decision to do this after the shooting and the fact that only conservatives turned out was a Trump show of support. You don’t want real unity, just conservative unity so you can be in charge. I wouldn’t feel safe at this event.” His response was that he felt safe. He didn’t address any of the issues and acts as if he is doing these things for all of us. He’s not; he’s only working for the extreme Christian right.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Author

Do we know how and who was invited to that event?

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He posted it on Facebook for the public, but it looked like only his side of the city council and their supporters showed up.

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We had great bipartisan turnout considering the short notice of the event!

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I tried to reply earlier. I"m glad to hear this, but the people quoted all were from one side of the aisle. I would hope that we all would like better relations, but getting there will take work and time.

Let's hope for the best.

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Who came who was not heavily conservative? I didn’t see anyone in the photos.

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I invited the public via Facebook. I also gave a phone call to Marie Perez’s office for an invite to speak, but got no response.

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Golly, did you give a call to Joe Kent and Jim Walsh, or were they too busy blaming "leftists" and the "left wing media establishment" for the attempt on the Mr. Trump's life? Curiously, neither of them have said much on the subject since we now know the alleged would-be assassin was a ~deranged~ Trump supporter. Sad!

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That was more than likely due to short notice. Regardless, despite what others have claimed, I highly doubt that if it was Biden or Harris that had been shot at this event would have occurred. I'm sure you'll say otherwise, but I find it very unlikely. I have only lived in this area for a few years and it has not taken very long to see that if you're not a part of the Christian right you're an outcast. Haven't seen much so called unity at all.

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Exactly this, well said.

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Andre, if gaslighting was an Olympic event, TDN's August 2nd editorial on this same subject would win gold.

Thank you for pointing out the reality of the situtation despite the monumental Gaslighting, Obfuscation and Projection being spread everywhere. The 4th Estate needs your leadership and candor more than ever before, and boy howdy, did you ever deliver it here.


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“Vote or don’t complain. Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson, and misguided legislators have let people die on the streets in the name of “compassion”, when the solution was to force them into treatment. It can be done. Vote for change, not the morons that have caused these problems in our state to fester.”

Spencer Boudreau, August 3, 2024, from the Facebook page of the "24th Mayor".

Totally not inflammatory and dishonest partisan rhetoric that is in any way misleading or deceptive. No siree. A paragon of leadership!

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Well said, Andre. I walked out of an establishment yesterday that was displaying copies of Watchdog" and I encourage others to do that as well, explaining your actions to the staff as you depart.

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they can dish it out, but can’t take it…

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